Wednesday 29 February 2012

Leaping Into Marriage!

Today is February 29th, making 2012 a Leap Year.

This is significant and relevant to the topic of weddings because although times have certainly lightened up quite a bit, there is still the prevailing attitude that men must be the ones to propose to women.

Suffer in your waiting no more ladies!   But better get going quick because today is the ONE day that has prevailed for centuries (noted as early as the 5th Century!) as it being perfectly socially acceptable for you to pop the question to your man!  

In fact, in the 13th century not only was it a law in certain parts of Europe that women could propose marriage on Febnruary 29th, but if the man dared refuse her, he had to pay a fine!  

Pity women were only empowered on one day every four years..... 

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